Reiki Workshops

Reiki is a holistic hands-on energy healing technique that works on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Nola calls it “a massage for your soul”. Reiki is a beautiful way to nurture yourself and others. It can also be used at bedtime to improve sleep.

Reiki is an energy healing technique with many benefits:

  • promotes relaxation
  • reduces stress and anxiety
  • improves sleep
  • eases pain
  • improves self-healing
  • boosts confidence

There has been a significant increase in the number of children struggling with anxiety, sensitivities, allergies, unhappiness and physical ailments. This workshop is to assist you and your child to learn simple tools and strategies, with the assistance of the Archangels, to help your child feel empowered, safe, confident and happy. Recommended for children ages 6-12 years.

Your child will learn how to do Reiki for themselves, others, and their pets.

Workbook and crystals included.