Reiki Workshops for Adults

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PRICE = $188 | Level I Practitioners can practice on themselves & others.

In this workshop you will learn…

  • What is Reiki?
  • History of Reiki
  • Reiki Principles
  • About Chakras
  • How to use Reiki for self-healing

Includes a workbook plus 2 hour follow up class.

You will receive a level I certificate upon completion.

Level I
Level I

PRICE = $448 | Level II Practitioners can practice on themselves and others, including offering distance healing. Students will also learn how to set up their own Reiki practice.

In this workshop you will learn…

  • The first 3 symbols
  • How to use the symbols
  • How to do distance Reiki
  • Guidance for working with clients

Includes a workbook plus 2 hour follow up class.

You will receive a level II certificate upon completion.

Level II (Prerequisite - Level I)
Level II (Prerequisite - Level I)

PRICE = $1197 | Master Level Practitioners can practice on themselves and others, plus teach and initiate other practitioners in level I, II, and the Master Level. The additional training, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing sessions.

In this 6-month program you will learn…

  • The Master symbol
  • How to live by the Reiki principles
  • Let go of limiting beliefs
  • Learn techniques to assist your clients in healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Guidance for teaching your own students
  • How to do attunements for your students for each level
  • Best practices for teaching each level

You will receive your Master’s certificate, plus a teacher’s manual for all three levels and ongoing support.

Master Level Reiki (Prerequisite - Level I & II)
Master Level Reiki (Prerequisite - Level I & II)