Parent Coaching

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Life Skills Coaching Okotoks

Do you…

  • Wonder if you are being the best parent you can be?
  • Wish your kids would talk to you more and let you know what’s going on for them?
  • Do you worry about your child/teen’s lack of confidence?
  • Get tired of the tension in your home?
  • Sometimes feel resentful and feel like you are carrying most of the load in your home?
  • Wish your kids would help around the house more or do their homework without a big struggle?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the Confident Happy Family Coaching Program is for you.

Nola will work with you to…

  • Gain clarity on what is truly important to you and your family so that you can create a simple, step by step plan to bring more harmony into your home.
  • Learn to communicate effectively so that your kids will feel comfortable opening up to you and also listen to you
  • Fill your toolbox with different techniques and strategies to help you and your family build a strong connection, reduce stress and manage big emotions
  • Discover how to offer appropriate choices and help your kids gradually take on more responsibility
  • Find time to care for yourself and do the things that fill you up
  • Play more and have more fun